Traumatic brain injuries in Clayton, GA

A brain injury could leave you with lasting cognitive issues that affect your relationships and work, lowering your quality of life. After sustaining this type of injury, consider consulting with Pendergrass Law to get help from a brain injury lawyer in Clayton, GA.

Understanding the various types of brain injuries

There are a few different types of brain injuries, including: Concussion, Hemorrhage and Hematoma, Brain Contusion, Edema, Diffuse Axonal Injury, Coup-Contrecoup Injury.


Concussions are some of the most common types of brain injuries. They involve the brain being thrown forward or backward against the skull. Symptoms could include headaches, memory loss, concentration issues, and more. 

Hemorrhages and Hematomas

Both hemorrhages and hematomas put pressure on or cause damage to the brain, often resulting in loss of consciousness and even permanent brain damage. A hemorrhage in the brain refers to bleeding within the brain tissues or between the brain and the skull. The clotting of blood in the brain or between the brain and the skull is a hematoma. 

Brain Contusions

A brain contusion involves bleeding within the brain tissue or within the skull as a result of blood vessels breaking and leaking. It can cause loss of consciousness and diminished cognitive function. 


Edema occurs when a blow to the head causes the brain to swell, leading it to press against the skull. 

Diffuse Axonal Injury

When your brain shifts rapidly backward or forward, or when it rotates, it can tear at the connections between your brain nerve fibers, called axons, and the spinal cord. This is a diffuse axonal injury. 

Coup-Contrecoup Injury

A coup-contrecoup injury is two injuries in one. The first injury occurs at the site of the initial trauma, and the second one happens when the force of the impact causes the brain to bounce against the opposite side of the skull. 

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How a brain injury lawyer in Clayton, GA, can help

If you’ve been in an accident that resulted in a brain injury, you should turn to a lawyer for help. These injuries are severe enough to require significant medical care, so getting compensation is essential. The first step in filing a personal injury claim is ensuring that you have one to begin with. In the majority of personal injury claims, this means proving that the other party’s negligence caused the accident that led to the injuries. First, you have to prove that the person had a duty of care toward you and that they breached it. If you were in a car accident, for example, in which someone was texting while driving, they owed you a duty of driving safely, and they ignored it. Then, you have to use evidence like medical records to prove that the person’s negligence directly led to your injuries. When dealing with a serious medical issue like a brain injury, you may not have the emotional or mental bandwidth to deal with these legalities. That’s why relying on a brain injury attorney in Clayton, GA, is crucial. 

An experienced partner on your side 

At Pendergrass Law, we’re ready to help you from the start. We’ll gather the necessary evidence, including input from expert witnesses. One of the most difficult steps of the process is to negotiate with insurance companies. We have the experience and dedication to do this for you. We’ll fight for your rights to help you get the compensation you deserve. If the negotiations stall, we’ll get your case ready for court. 

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What damages can you claim after a brain injury?

You can claim economic and non-economic damages after a brain injury. A lawyer can help you pinpoint the ones that you could be entitled to receive. Economic damages refer to the expenses that can be quantified. These include medical expenses, like hospital bills, medication costs, and physical therapy. If you need ongoing care, as is common after a severe brain injury, you can get coverage for that. Lost wages are another type of economic damage you can claim. Lost wages refer to the income you would have made while recovering or in the future if the accident hadn’t occurred. Non-economic damages can refer to pain and suffering, which attempt to reimburse you for the physical and emotional pain and suffering you’ve gone through because of the accident. Loss of enjoyment of life and loss of consortium damages are also possibilities. If you’re not able to do the things you used to love doing, your quality of life decreases, resulting in a loss of enjoyment of life. Loss of consortium refers to family members who no longer have the support and companionship of their loved one because of an accident. A settlement can’t change the injury you sustained, but it can help improve your financial outlook and compensate you for your emotional harm.

Getting help from a skilled brain injury lawyer in Clayton, GA

When you turn to the team at Pendergrass Law after suffering an accident that resulted in a brain injury, we’ll be ready to offer the guidance you need. With compassionate lawyers by your side who have years of experience dealing with catastrophic injuries, you have a chance to get the compensation you deserve. Call us today

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