Steps to Take After a Truck Accident in Tifton

Your commercial truck accident will likely be a jarring experience. The aftermath of your collision may leave you feeling overwhelmed, confused, and scared. Knowing what to do next can help you remain calm, get yourself to safety, and start building a case against the at-fault party from the start. Here are some of the most critical steps to take after a truck accident in Tifton:

  1. Move yourself and your vehicle to the side of the road and out of oncoming traffic.
  2. Contact law enforcement officials and emergency responders at the accident scene.
  3. Collect and gather valuable evidence to be used in your insurance and civil claims.
  4. Obtain a medical evaluation, treatment, and rule out invisible injuries.
  5. Get help from a truck accident lawyer in Tifton, GA.

As soon as you get your attorney working on your case, you do not need to worry about anything else. Our team will deal with the investigation, establishing liability, dealing with the insurance company, and advocating for your rights at trial. All you need to do is focus on healing from your injuries, spending time with your family, and picking up the pieces of your life.

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Process for Recovering Compensation

One of the primary objectives you will have after your truck accident is recovering compensation for your suffering. Although no one out of money will change the trauma of your experience, it can allow you to cover your expenses and give you a chance to move forward with your life without financial ruin. 

Every person’s truck accident case is different. However, here is a general idea of how the truck accident claims process works:

  • Your lawyer will investigate the cause of your commercial truck accident.
  • We gather the evidence we need to establish negligence and prove liability.
  • Your lawyer identifies all parties that contributed to your injuries.
  • Your truck accident lawyer prepares to file insurance claims and begins negotiating with insurance adjusters.
  • We prepare to bring your truck accident case to trial if the liable party does not have insurance or the insurance company does not compensate you reasonably for your damages.

The Value of Your Tifton Truck Accident Claim

Recovering the compensation you deserve after your truck accident is crucial. You do not want to get stuck covering exorbitant expenses caused by someone else’s negligence while you are still dealing with the physical implications of your injuries. Thankfully, whether you file an insurance claim or bring your case to court, you have the right to be made whole. You should be repaid for every loss you experienced due to the liable party’s actions. This includes compensation for economic damages which describes financial losses, and non-economic damages, which describe how your life has been affected by your injuries. Here are some of the most common types of damages recovered in Tifton truck accident claims:

Out-of-Pocket Costs

The at-fault party should also cover any out-of-pocket or financial expenses related to your truck accident. If you paid to get your vehicle repaired, cover the cost of your rental car, or had to sell your totaled vehicle at a loss, these damages could be recovered in your civil claim. You can go over the economic damages you experienced in further detail when you discuss the value of your truck accident claim with your attorney.

Emotional Trauma

The emotional trauma you experience after a commercial truck accident is undeniable. The overwhelming feelings of fear, apprehension, indignity, stress, anxiety, anticipation, and shock can leave you in a heightened state and stuck dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Your truck accident could also be so emotionally taxing that you have trouble maintaining relationships with close family and friends, participating in an intimate spousal relationship, or completing daily living activities. Accessing the compensation you deserve could give you the boost you need to get back to your life.

Medical Costs

The individual or entity that caused your truck accident in Tifton should compensate you for your medical expenses. They should not only pay for your ambulance bills, hospital stay, and medical treatment but every single healthcare cost. Examples of healthcare expenses related to truck accident injuries include:

  • Physical and occupational therapy
  • X-rays, CAT scans, MRIs, and other diagnostic imaging
  • Prescription medications and over-the-counter drugs
  • Co-pays and transportation expenses
  • Reconstructive surgery and other surgical interventions
  • Home accommodations, such as wheelchair ramp installation
  • Medical devices and equipment, including prosthetic limbs
  • Future medical expenses and equipment costs
  • Ongoing mental health counseling fees
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Who to Sue After a Tifton Truck Accident 

Your truck accident lawyer will need to thoroughly investigate the cause of your collision to determine who should be held accountable for your damages. How your accident occurred will help your attorney figure out who is to blame. Some of the parties who could be held responsible for your injuries include:

  • The Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT)
  • The trucking company
  • The owner of the truck that hit you
  • Negligent truck drivers
  • Auto parts designers and manufacturers
  • Cargo loaders
  • Commercial truck safety inspectors and maintenance workers
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Contact a Truck Accident Attorney in Tifton, GA, for Help Today

The trauma you experienced in a collision with an 18-wheeler is undeniable. Do not let the individual or entity who caused your crash leave you with the costs. Take action by filing a claim with the insurance company or bringing your case to court. A reputable truck accident lawyer in Tifton at The Pendergrass Law Firm can advocate for your rights and help you maximize the compensation you win. Contact our office for a free consultation today and learn more about what is next for your truck accident claim. You can reach us by phone or through our convenient contact form to get started on your case.

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