Injuries from Truck Accidents

Newton’s First Law of Motion states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Hence, if two cars of equal weights collide, they would hit one another with an equal impact. Newton’s Second Law of Motion states that “the acceleration of an object is dependent upon two variables: the net force acting upon the object and the mass of an object.” In other words, if a big vehicle hits a small one, the impact on the smaller vehicle will be much greater. The average semi-truck weighs between 10,000 and 35,000 pounds when it is empty. When it is carrying a load, it can weigh much more than that. The average sedan weighs about 3,3000 pounds. When your car is hit by a truck, there is a good chance it will be totaled. You are also likely to sustain serious injury.

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Receiving Insurance Money

If you are a driver in Georgia, you probably know that the Peach State is a fault state when it comes to car insurance. This means that the driver who was more than 50% responsible for the accident will pay its bills. If your injuries are very severe, as they are likely to be from a collision with a truck, you may be able to sue the truck driver for pain and suffering. You should be able to sue if you were permanently disabled or disfigured due to an accident. If you are hit by a truck, you may be able to sue the trucking company itself. If the driver did not have a commercial driver’s license or the company they worked for had overworked the driver, it may be grounds for a lawsuit.

Typical Types of Truck Accidents

A truck can be involved in many different types of crashes, but there are a few common accidents that involve semis.

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Head-on Collisions

Semi-trucks usually make long journeys across the country. They often travel down two-lane deserted highways late at night. Most head-on collisions happen on winding two-lane highways after dark. Although a semi should certainly have its headlights on, and you should be able to see it as it is coming towards you. If you pass another car at the wrong moment or even veer into the wrong lane, you may easily have a head-on crash with a semi. These accidents often result in fatalities.

Rear-End Collisions

Rear-end collisions are the most common type of collision, no matter what kind of vehicle you drive. Rear-end accidents are most often caused by distracted driving and aggressive driving. Although they are professional drivers responsible for operating tons of metal, truck drivers get distracted by cell phones just like everyone else. Rear-end accidents are common and can result in serious injury. Truck drivers have stricter regulations on them than do other kinds of drivers. They are supposed to be appropriately trained by the companies they work for, and if they are not, the company may be liable.

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Underride Accidents

An underride accident occurs when a car rear-ends a truck and rolls fully or partially under it. This is a terrifying occurrence, and when it happens, there is little chance that the driver will survive.

Typical injuries after a trucking accident

A person is likely to sustain multiple injuries after a car accident. There are a few that are considered to be the most common.

  • Head and brain injuries
  • Back and neck injuries
  • Spinal injuries
  • Lacerations
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Wrongful Death

If you have lost a loved one to a truck accident in Georgia, you will have to file a wrongful death lawsuit. You can recover money for the amount of income you have lost because of the person’s death, as well as the emotional loss their absence has caused you. There are only certain people who are allowed to sue for wrongful death in Georgia. You may sue if you are a surviving spouse or if you are an ex-spouse with minor children. Adult children can sue if there is no spouse, and the decedent’s parents may also bring a lawsuit. Other relatives are excluded from this type of suit. Insurance companies are rarely willing to pay what they should. You need a trained legal team in your corner who can negotiate with insurance companies and get you the money you deserve.

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