What to Do if You Have an Accident in Dunwoody, GA

Whenever you have a car accident, you should pull over to the side of the road and call the police. Wait for an officer to arrive and take pictures of the accident scene if you can. Get the names and numbers of anyone who may have seen the accident. You should make sure to get the names, insurance information, and phone numbers of the other drivers involved in the collision. Save all of your medical bills including the ones for alternative treatments such as massages or cryogenic therapy and save the receipts for any medications that you need to take. You should also get your employer to write you a letter stating the number of hours you have missed from work and the amount of money that you have lost as a result. If you are self-employed, write your own letter and use your tax returns as evidence. 

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Why You Need aLawyer When You are Injured

There are two kinds of insurance rules in America; fault and no-fault. In a no-fault state, a person’s insurance will pay for their accident-related bills no matter who caused a crash. In a fault state, the person who caused the accident is responsible for paying its bills. Georgia is a fault state. Your insurance company has a vested interest in establishing that the other driver is responsible for the crash. The other driver’s insurance company will benefit if they can prove that you were at fault for an accident.

Any insurance company will have a team of attorneys whose job is to keep their money in-house. Insurance adjusters are the people who are responsible for investigating your claim and will often try to save their company as much money as they can. An experienced personal attorney, such as Mr. Pendergrass, knows exactly how much your injuries are worth. He will stay one step ahead of the insurance company’s lawyers and adjusters. He knows the intricacies of personal injury laws in the state, and what arguments to use when negotiating with an insurance company.

Non-Economic Damages

Insurance companies will often try to get out of paying for non-economic damages such as pain and suffering. If you suffer from nightmares or anxiety after a collision, our attorney will work with you to prove that you have been both physically and emotionally injured.

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Insurance Requirements in Georgia 

Every driver in the state of Georgia is required to carry a certain amount of insurance. 

  • $25,000 for  bodily injury coverage  per person
  • $50,000 for bodily injury coverage per accident 
  • $25,000 for damage to property

It is a good idea to have uninsured driver’s insurance as well, in case you are hit by a person who is not carrying insurance.

What if an at-fault driver’s insurance will not cover my bills?

If your bills exceed $25,000, for an accident that you did not cause, your health insurance might cover some of your expenses. And if you have personal injury protection insurance, it will provide some coverage as well. You can also file a lawsuit against the at-fault driver. When you come in for a free consultation with us, we can discuss the viability of a lawsuit if this is your situation. Suing an at-fault driver may be worth it if:

  • Your injuries are very severe
  • You have PTSD or anxiety caused by the crash
  • You are permanently disfigured 
  • You have lost a limb or the function of an organ

Our team of accident professionals has no fear of the courtroom. We know every detail of accident law in Georgia and will meticulously research your case if a lawsuit is required. You have two years to file a personal injury lawsuit in Georgia. That is why it is important to call us soon after your accident so we have as much time as possible to recover a fair settlement for you.

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Wrongful Death 

Losing a loved one to an accident is a very traumatic experience. It is not only emotionally traumatic but financially devastating as well. Although insurance will cover funeral expenses, it might not cover the emotional and financial loss you feel when you lose a family member. We can assist you with a wrongful death lawsuit against a driver who caused the death of a family member or loved one. A person filing a wrongful death lawsuit in Georgia must have one of the following relationships with the decedent.

  • Spouse
  • Children 
  • Ex-Spouse 
  • Estate Representative

Insurance companies are for-profit businesses that lose money whenever they pay a claim. You need a good lawyer in your corner to fight for the money to which you are entitled. Give the Pendergrass Law Firm a call today.

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