Aviation accidents in Georgia

Aviation accidents involve commercial and private planes, as well as helicopters and corporate jets. It’s not just those who were on the plane who can suffer injuries and file claims, either. Whether you were onboard or affected in another way, we can help.

Why you need an aviation lawyer on your side

These aren’t regular accidents, and one of the challenges they pose is that not every private plane has liability insurance. Even air taxi operators and interstate carriers that do have insurance may not be able to cover serious injuries. 

You’ll also be dealing with state and federal laws. Federal aviation regulations govern pilot training, plane maintenance, and much more. You must have knowledge of all these laws to present a claim that has a chance of succeeding. 

When dealing with commercial companies, it’s never a good idea to try to file a claim on your own because they will have teams of lawyers ready to challenge you. By turning to an aviation lawyer in Stone Mountain, GA, you’ll have experienced people on your side. 

Causes of aviation accidents in Stone Mountain, GA

Human error is the most common cause of aviation accidents. A pilot who acts negligently or an air traffic controller who is distracted can lead to serious collisions that result in fatalities or catastrophic injuries. In some cases, however, the plane may not receive the maintenance it needs. Someone may cut corners or miss crucial malfunctions.

In those instances, the maintenance company could be liable, though more parties may be involved as well. Manufacturing errors can also lead to catastrophic results. If even one of the plane’s parts isn’t crafted correctly or if there are errors in assembling the plane, it’s possible to hold the manufacturers liable. 

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Proving liability after an aviation accident

To prove that someone is at fault and that you should be compensated for your losses, you have to show a few things. The first is to establish that the party at fault owed you a duty of care. This can be simpler to do with commercial flights than with private ones. You then have to prove that the party breached that duty of care. If an air traffic controller was distracted, for example, this constitutes a breach. At that point, it’s up to you to show their negligence caused your injuries and that you can be compensated. In instances when the faulty manufacturing of a part or of the plane itself leads to an accident, proving negligence is not necessary. This is because there are strict liability laws in place in Georgia. 

What compensation is available after an aviation accident in Stone Mountain, GA?

You can claim economic and non-economic damages. Economic accidents are those that deal with quantifiable losses, like medical expenses. If you’ve suffered an injury that requires ongoing care, you can also get coverage for future medical expenses. Lost wages are another type of economic damage available. Injuries can keep you from working, and that means suffering a financial blow. Lost wages help reimburse you for these losses, as well as future ones if you’re unable to return to work. Non-economic damages focus on more subjective losses, like loss of consortium and pain and suffering. The severity of the injuries and how they impact your life determine the non-economic damages you can claim.

Pendergrass Law: How we can help in Stone Mountain, GA

Pendergrass Law is here to provide support during this harrowing time in your life. We have years of experience helping clients who’ve been in aviation accidents, but we bring compassion and tenacity to the table as well. When you work with us, we begin by carefully assessing and investigating your claim to ensure it’s viable. After gathering records, eyewitness accounts, and testimony from expert witnesses, we negotiate with the parties involved to secure the best deal for you. If the negotiations stall, we’re also ready to file a lawsuit and take your case to court. Our extensive experience with litigation gives us the skills necessary to fight for your rights.

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Contact Pendergrass Law

Being in an aviation accident can leave you with emotional and physical trauma. You shouldn’t have to deal with all of this on your own when the accident wasn’t your fault. Instead, turning to lawyers like us can allow you to get compensation. At Pendergrass Law, you can get the representation you need after suffering injuries and other losses. We proudly serve the Spanish and English-speaking communities in Stone Mountain, GA, so that everyone can get the help they need. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation with an aviation lawyer in Stone Mountain, GA

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