What to Do After a Car Accident in Berkeley Lake

The steps you take after your car accident in Berkeley Lake could substantially impact the outcome of your case. Although you may initially feel confused and overwhelmed, it is essential to remain calm and begin to build a compelling case against the liable party from the start. With that in mind, here are some of the essential steps to take immediately after your car accident:

  1. If you haven’t already done so, get yourself and your vehicle to safety. If your collision occurred in the middle of the road, do what you can to move yourself and the car to the side of the road. Otherwise, you could risk being struck again and causing a pileup accident.
  2. Once you have gotten to safety, call 911 and emergency responders. It would be best if you had medical help and police at the scene of the accident immediately. Law enforcement officials will investigate the scene, file a police report, gather evidence, and detail liability for the collision.
  3. While you wait for healthcare providers and police to arrive, gather as much evidence as possible. Take photos of the weather conditions, traffic conditions, property damages, and injuries. Write down how the accident occurred, including even seemingly minor details, as these may be forgotten as time goes on. You can also get the names and contact information of the other involved parties and any witnesses to the accident.
  4. Get medical attention right away. You must obtain medical treatment and rule out any invisible injuries that could make your condition rapidly worsen. Getting evaluated medically will also create records that can clearly show the insurance company, judge, and jury the severity of your injuries, your prognosis, and why you are seeking the amount of compensation you are in your car accident claim.
  5. Make sure you hire a car accident lawyer in Berkeley Lake as soon as possible. Your attorney can take over all the legal details of your case, so you do not have to worry about anything except healing from your injuries. Your lawyer will thoroughly investigate the cause of the accident, determine who should be held accountable, quantify your damages, deal with the insurance company, and fight for the total recovery of your damages.
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Common Causes of Berkeley Lake Car Accidents 

One of your Berkeley Lake car accident attorney’s most essential tasks will be figuring out who is at fault for your injuries. To do this, we will examine the cause of your collision closely. Car accidents can happen in many ways. However, some of the top causes of these collisions include:

  • Drunk driving
  • Drugged driving
  • Distracted driving
  • Aggressive driving
  • Driving while fatigued
  • Reckless driving
  • Traffic violations
  • Speeding
  • Failure to stop or yield
  • Dangerous road conditions
  • Motor vehicle defects or malfunctions

The way in which your car accident occurred will determine who caused your injuries. For instance, if your car accident was caused by a drunk driver, you will likely file a claim against the driver who hit you. However, your lawyer will also consider whether any local dram shops could share fault for over-serving or selling alcohol to an already intoxicated motorist. Other potentially liable parties could include:

  • The city of Berkeley Lake
  • Government agencies and Municipalities
  • Car parts manufacturers
  • Car parts designers
  • Car parts distributors
  • Safety inspectors
  • Maintenance workers
  • The Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT)

How Much Is Your Berkeley Lake Car Accident Claim Worth?

Your car accident attorney in Berkeley Lake will help you understand the actual value of your claim. You have the right to be repaid for all losses. This includes both economic or financial losses and non-economic or non-monetary losses.

Property Damages 

Property damages are some of the most expensive financial costs you can encourage after a car accident. Not only do you have the right to be compensated for your damaged personal property, but you are also entitled to restitution for:

  • The diminished value of your vehicle
  • Vehicle repair costs
  • The cost of purchasing a new vehicle
  • The damage to your driving record
  • Additional auto insurance costs
  • Rental car expenses

Pain and Suffering

Pain and suffering damages do not have a set financial value. This can make them more challenging to quantify. However, since pain and suffering losses are often significantly impactful, recovering for restitution is critical. Examples of pain and suffering damages that could be recouped after a car accident include:

  • Physical pain
  • Mental anguish
  • Skin scarring and disfigurement
  • Reduced quality of life
  • Loss of consortium
  • Loss of household services
  • Feelings of shame and fear

Healthcare Costs 

The liable party should cover every single healthcare expense that relates to your car accident injuries. You should not be expected to cover even one penny of these expenses if someone else is to blame. Examples of recoverable medical costs after a car accident in Berkeley Lake include:

  • Over-the-counter medications
  • Prescription drugs
  • Your hospital stay
  • Ongoing medical treatment, such as dialysis or physical therapy
  • Medical equipment, including hospital beds, prosthetic limbs, and medical devices
  • Costs of mental health counseling
  • Transportation expenses
  • Future medical care
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Meet With a Car Accident Attorney in Berkeley Lake Today

The trauma of your car crash may have a lasting or permanent impact on your life. The individual or entity who caused your injuries should be compelled to compensate you fairly for your suffering and damages. Get help pursuing your insurance and civil claims when you contact an experienced Berkeley Lake car accident lawyer at The Pendergrass Law Firm. Our firm proudly offers free, no-obligation consultations to car accident victims across Berkeley Lake and surrounding cities. Claim yours by completing our online contact form or calling our office today.

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