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Contact The Pendergrass Law Firm About Your Johns Creek Crash Today

Contact our firm now to request a free initial consultation about your accident. During this consultation, we will be able to go through the specifics of your accident and give you a better sense of how you can benefit from our experience and legal support through each step of your insurance claim. Many people wrongly believe that they should wait until after filing an insurance claim to hire an attorney, but the sooner you have a lawyer representing your case, the better your chances will be of reaching a fair settlement agreement without having to rely on the Georgia courts. Read more below to get a better idea of why hiring an attorney as soon as possible after an accident is one of the best decisions that you can make. Contact us as soon as possible so that we can get working on your case right away, and fight for your compensation while you focus on recovering from your injuries, free of the stress of this complex legal process.

When To Hire an Attorney After a Car Accident

After an accident, filing an insurance claim is a fairly simple process – especially when the other driver is the at-fault party, and you are seeking compensation from their insurance policy. However, the reality is that even if filing a basic claim is easy, getting the money that you are actually owed is a much more complicated process that requires extensive legal knowledge, time, and energy. Hiring an attorney as soon as you are in an accident is something that the insurance company will not want you to do, and is the best way to get the money you deserve. From the moment an insurance company receives a claim against one of their clients, the claims adjuster assigned to the case takes action, searching out every possible way to reduce the final settlement amount. When a victim is injured and unable to work, the stress of their medical bills, compounded with their lost wages and impacts on their income, can be a strong motivator to accept the initial settlement offer from an insurance company.

The company relies on this to save as much money as possible, but when your Johns Creek car accident lawyer is representing your case, you can be confident that you will not be walking away from the claim without fighting for a settlement that fairly covers your damages. Contact our firm before you contact the insurance company, and we will be able to represent you from the moment we first make contact about filing your claim. When you have an attorney on your side from the moment you initiate a claim, the adjuster knows that you mean business, which can result in a smoother claims investigation period and a more aggressive period of negotiation in hopes of an out-of-court settlement. When your attorney is handling every communication, you will not need to worry about making simple errors that can come back to haunt you, such as inadvertently accepting partial fault for the accident, downplaying an injury, or any number of other common and costly mistakes that victims make.

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Calculating Fair Compensation After a Johns Creek Car Accident

The issue at the center of your claims investigation is that of compensation: how much are you entitled to, and how much is the insurance company willing to pay without taking the case to court? There is a range of compensatory damages that you may be entitled to, but knowing how to calculate some of them—and knowing how to negotiate a fair number—is complicated. Fortunately, the team of Johns Creek car accident attorneys at The Pendergrass Law Firm is here to help.

Economic Damages

Economic damages are the easier of the two categories to calculate, simply because economic damages are those that come with measurable dollar values. They include things like your medical bills and all associated expenses, as well as any impacts on your earnings such as missed days at work, decreased earning ability, as well as paid time off or vacation days you needed to use to cover missed time due to your injuries. There are many other economic damages that are not as obvious, and that the insurance company will do all that they can to avoid paying. However, we will go through all of your finances to identify these damages and bring the fight to the insurance company to reimburse you for these losses or expenses.

Non-Economic Damages

Non-economic damages are more difficult to calculate, because they seek compensation for damages that do not have any measurable dollar value associated with them. They include things like your pain and suffering, as well as any other emotional, psychological, or physiological impacts that you must endure. These damages are just as important as economic damages, but you can expect a much bigger fight with the insurance company to get them, simply because of the abstract nature of the amounts that we will be seeking. Negotiating non-economic damages on your own, especially while recovering from injuries, can be emotionally and physically taxing.

To get the money that you deserve from these damages, you will be best served by having an experienced personal injury attorney fighting on your behalf, so that you can focus on your recovery and getting your life back on track without the additional burden of this process.

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