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Turning to a motorcycle accident lawyer in Atlanta, GA

Often, people think of motorcycle drivers as reckless, but they’re much more likely to be victims of accidents than the cause of them. By turning to an Atlanta motorcycle accident lawyer, you have the chance to get compensation if you’ve been injured while riding your motorcycle. 

What causes motorcycle accidents in Atlanta, GA?

There are many reasons why a motorcycle accident might occur, but as with most collisions throughout the country, distracted driving is the most likely cause. Distracted driving occurs when a driver is not focused on driving and instead is texting, speaking with passengers, or doing anything that takes their eyes and minds off the road. Being distracted for just a few seconds could mean not noticing a motorcycle in the other lane. Speeding is another cause of motorcycle accidents. A speeding driver has less time to react to changes on the road, making crashes more likely.

If a speeding car hits a motorcycle, the injuries can be catastrophic. It isn’t just other vehicles that can pose a danger to motorcycle riders. Poor road conditions can also be serious issues. Potholes and uneven pavement are nuisances for cars, but they can cause a motorcycle rider to lose control of the bike. Driving while intoxicated is another serious issue that can cause motorcycle accidents. Even if a driver has only had one or two drinks, they’re already a danger behind the wheel, especially for motorcycle riders. 

Why you need a motorcycle accident lawyer in Atlanta, GA

After an accident, lots of people assume they can file a claim themselves. That’s never a good idea. The process of proving someone else caused your accident can be complex. As with other personal injury claims, it’s up to you to prove that someone else’s negligent actions led to the accident. That means first proving that the person owed you a duty of care and that they breached it. Once you’ve established that, you have to show that their negligent actions led directly to the injuries you suffered. Finally, you must prove that the damages you’ve suffered can be compensated. None of this is simple, especially if you don’t have experience.

When you turn to a motorcycle accident attorney in Atlanta, GA, like Pendergrass Law, you can get help from lawyers who know the ins and outs of Georgia law. Negotiating with insurance companies is one of the most challenging aspects of filing a personal injury claim after an accident. They’re notorious for trying to prevent people from getting the compensation they deserve. A motorcycle accident lawyer can do these negotiations for you so that you can focus on healing. An experienced lawyer can take your case to court if negotiations stall or fail. This can mean the difference between not getting any compensation and getting a fair deal.

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What compensation can you recover after a motorcycle accident?

When you speak with a motorcycle accident lawyer in Atlanta, GA, you can get a sense of the exact damages you can claim after an accident. Because motorcycle accidents tend to lead to severe injuries for the rider, you could be left with significant medical bills. These can include hospital stays, the need for ongoing care, and so much more. You could get help covering these bills. It’s common for a motorcycle accident to end with a totaled bike. That means the added expense of replacing it. By filing a personal injury claim, you can get compensation to repair or replace your motorcycle. If your injuries resulted in you having to miss work, you could also get lost wages. This means that you’d be reimbursed for the wages you were unable to receive. Damages that are more difficult to put a number on are non-economic damages. These can be pain and suffering, which is intended to compensate you for what you’ve suffered mentally and physically because of the accident. Other types of non-economic damages include loss of enjoyment of life if you’ve suffered serious injuries or trauma. If you’re a close family member of someone who died or was severely injured in a motorcycle accident, non-economic damages can also include loss of consortium. 

Get an assessment from a motorcycle accident lawyer

After a motorcycle accident, it’s vital that you turn to a motorcycle accident attorney in Atlanta for help. At The Pendergrass Law Firm, we understand just how stressful it can be to deal with injuries and mounting medical bills. From the initial assessment to litigation in court, we will handle your case every step of the way. Contact Pendergrass Law to get help. 

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