Trusted car accident lawyers

You shouldn’t have to deal with the aftermath of an accident that wasn’t your fault on your own. A car accident lawyer in Atlanta from Pendergrass Law is ready to help you recover fair and adequate compensation for your injuries. To do so, it can help to learn a little about the drunk driving laws in Atlanta, GA.

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The ins and outs of drunk driving laws in Atlanta

In Georgia, as in the rest of the country, the legal blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limit is 0.08%.
A driver who breaks the law by driving with a higher BAC level can face serious consequences. The minimum penalties for a first drunk-driving offense in Georgia include 10 days in jail, a $300 fine, and 40 hours of community service. A second offense can come with a sentence mandating anywhere from 90 days to one year in jail, a minimum of 30 days of community service, and fines ranging from $600 to $1,000. A third offense can mean 120 days to one year in jail, a minimum of 30 days of community service, and anywhere from $1,000 to $5,000 in fines. Once someone commits their fourth drunk-driving offense, it becomes a felony, which means one to five years in federal prison and up to a $5,000 fine. Despite these laws, drunk driving remains a pervasive issue in Georgia, with accidents frequently leading to severe injuries and even fatalities.

Proving negligence: Beginning your personal injury claim

Not everyone involved in a car accident caused by a drunk driver has a viable claim, even if they’ve sustained injuries. If the injuries weren’t a direct result of the accident, you don’t meet one of the key requirements of a personal injury claim. What must you prove to have a valid claim? First, you must establish that the person who caused the accident owed you a duty of care. That’s relatively simple, as anyone in a vehicle has a responsibility to drive safely and follow all relevant laws. Next, you must demonstrate that the driver breached their duty of care. This isn’t as straightforward since it entails gathering compelling evidence. Most people aren’t sure where to begin doing so. From them, you’ll have to show that the driver’s negligent actions caused your injuries and that the negligence led directly to harm or losses that are eligible for compensation. If you’re unable to prove any of these four elements, it may not be possible to successfully file a personal injury claim. 

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Why it’s vital to consult a car accident lawyer

Filing a personal injury claim isn’t something you can do on your own. That’s why it’s essential to consult a car accident attorney as soon as possible after being involved in a drunk driving accident that resulted in injuries. When you meet with a car accident lawyer at Pendergrass Law, the first thing they’ll do is assess your claim. We understand that each case is unique, and we’re ready to listen to the details of what you’ve been through so we can offer the right support. If we determine that you have a viable claim, we’ll immediately begin gathering evidence to prove the other party was at fault. This may involve interviewing eyewitnesses and requesting expert witness statements. Once we have the evidence we need, we’ll present everything to the insurance companies. The resulting negotiation phase is perhaps the most difficult part for anyone without legal experience to attempt on their own. Insurance companies aren’t there to help you. In fact, they’ll use every available means to prevent you from getting the compensation you deserve. With a skilled lawyer representing you, however, you have a much better chance of getting a fair deal. We’ll get the insurers to the negotiating table and keep them from employing the various tactics they rely on to avoid paying accident victims what they’re owed. If we believe that you’re being offered an insufficient settlement amount, we won’t hesitate to file a lawsuit and fight for you in court.

Get the help you need from an experienced car accident lawyer in Atlanta, GA

Filing a personal injury claim after a drunk driving accident is far from simple. Your injuries could be severe, impeding you from living your life normally and putting a serious strain on your finances. When you rely on a car accident attorney in Atlanta, you have the chance to file for the economic and non-economic damages you need. The proven legal professionals at Pendergrass Law are ready to guide you through the process of filing your claim. Because we offer litigation services, we’ll never ship your case off to another firm if a lawsuit becomes necessary.

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Reach Out to Us Today

Don’t go through this challenging situation alone. Contact Pendergrass Law today to schedule a consultation and take the first step toward moving on from your accident.

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