Georgia Fatal Truck Accident FAQ

It’s not easy to prove liability in a truck accident or recover after a fatal trucking accident. However, the following questions and answers may prove useful in recovering damages for your wrongful death claim, investigating your accident, or preventing them from occurring:

Where do large truck accidents occur?

According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, 52% of deaths in large truck crashes occur on major roads other than interstates and freeways, 33% occur on interstates and freeways, and 14% occurred on minor roads.

When do fatal truck accidents happen?

64% of fatal truck crashes happened during daylight hours, and 5% happened in construction zones. 50% of large truck crash deaths occurred from 6 a.m. to 3 p.m. The most traffic fatalities involving large trucks happen between the hours of 9 AM and noon. The peak month for fatal truck crashes was October, and April had the fewest crashes. 16% of large truck crash deaths occurred on the weekend.

Does seatbelt usage prevent fatal truck accidents?

Almost half of all fatally injured large truck drivers were using seat belts, the same proportion as fatally injured passenger vehicle drivers. However, belt use was unknown for 20 percent of fatally injured large truck drivers which could tip the scale in either direction. It’s important to note that seatbelt usage cuts the risk of death by 45% of the risk of injury by 50%.

What type of critical events lead to fatal truck accidents?

A critical event is an action or event that puts the vehicle or vehicles on a course to an unavoidable collision. Running into another lane or off the road, losing control due to traveling too fast for conditions, cargo shift, vehicle systems failure, poor road conditions, or other reasons, and colliding with the rear end of another vehicle were the three leading critical events involved in fatal trucking accidents.

Which driver factors contribute to truck accident fatalities?

Poor decision-making was the leading cause of truck accidents at 38%. Distracted driving was the second leading cause of accidents because of driver factors at 28%.

What percentage of fatal truck accidents involve passenger vehicles?

4,136 people died in large truck crashes in 2018 and only 16% of these deaths were truck occupants compared to 67% of occupants in cars and other passenger vehicles, and 15% were pedestrians, bicyclists, or motorcyclists.

Who can file a lawsuit after a fatal truck accident in Gwinnett County?

A surviving spouse, child, or parent has the right to file a wrongful death lawsuit in cases involving negligence on the part of a truck driver or trucking company, or other parties. A spouse includes both married and common-law spouses, and those who are legally separated.

What types of compensation are available for fatal truck accident victims in Georgia?

When pursuing a wrongful death claim involving a fatal truck crash in Gwinett County, a spouse, parent, or child could seek compensation for various types of losses including:

  • Financial losses such as medical expenses and funeral costs
  • Loss of the deceased person’s future earning capacity
  • Loss of parental guidance, counsel, and instruction

  • Pain and suffering
  • Exemplary damages in certain instances of willful misconduct

Experienced truck accident attorneys investigate cases involving fatal truck accidents and other acts of negligence. If you have lost a loved one in a truck crash, you will need the trusted guidance of an experienced Gwinnett County truck accident attorney to fight for you. The initial consultation is free and without obligation.


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