Do you need a premises liability attorney in Stone Mountain?

Business and private property owners are legally obligated to protect visitors from harm. Often, this means fixing hazards as soon as possible — or taking reasonable steps to warn visitors if the hazard can’t be fixed right away. For example, if a grocery store has a wet floor from a ceiling leak, the manager could rope off the area and put out a wet floor sign.

However, if a property owner or manager doesn’t take steps to keep visitors safe, they might be liable for injuries. If you get seriously hurt because someone else was careless or negligent, you shouldn’t be left to cover medical bills and other expenses on your own. A premises liability attorney may be able to help you recover monetary compensation.

Types of premises liability claims

Premises liability is one area of personal injury law, but it’s a fairly broad category. These are some common scenarios that result in premises liability claims or lawsuits:

  • Being bitten by a dog while visiting the owner’s home
  • Drowning in a commercial or private pool
  • Slipping and falling because of hazardous conditions
  • Getting hurt because of a building code violation
  • Getting hurt at a carnival or amusement park
  • Being the victim of a crime on someone’s property because of negligent security

These situations can cause anything from mild injury to severe injury to death. The exact circumstances of the injury and how severely you were hurt both play a key role in the value of your case. 

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Will a Stone Mountain attorney take your case?

In order to take your case, a premises liability attorney in Stone Mountain will usually need to see that your injury resulted in substantial damages. Premises liability attorneys only get paid if they win your case, so the potential compensation must make it worthwhile. This means that if you slipped and fell at a grocery store, went to an urgent care center, and paid a $100 medical bill, an attorney probably wouldn’t take your case. However, if you ended up needing surgery and physical therapy that added up to tens of thousands of dollars, they likely would.

Proving a premises liability claim

Suffering a serious injury while on someone else’s property isn’t enough to prove a premises liability claim. In Georgia, your legal team needs to prove four things to win your case:

  • A Duty of Care: The property owner was obligated to keep the premises safe and warn you of dangers
  • A Breach of That Duty: The property owner failed to keep the premises reasonably safe
  • Causation: You suffered an injury because the property owner breached their duty of care
  • Damages: You lost wages, incurred medical expenses, or otherwise suffered damages as a direct result of the property owner’s negligence

These criteria might look clear-cut from the outside looking in. However, as any lawyer can tell you, legal cases are almost always more complicated than they appear. If you think your situation fits the criteria for a premises liability claim, you should set up a consultation with an attorney.

What to expect during your consultation

In your consultation, a premises liability lawyer in Stone Mountain will discuss the facts of your case with you. To ensure you’re giving them a complete picture of what happened, make sure to bring any relevant documentation, including medical bills, incident reports, police reports, photos of the injury scene or the specific hazard, etc. Premises liability attorneys look at cases like yours every day, so they’ll be able to tell you whether you have a good chance of winning your case in court. If you do, they’ll likely take your case. There’s no need to worry about cost — premises liability lawyers work on a contingency basis, which means they only get paid if you win. After a successful settlement or trial, their fee is a percentage of the total amount of money recovered. However, if you don’t win, you owe nothing.

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Looking for a premises liability lawyer in Stone Mountain?

Serious injuries can have far-reaching impacts. And when you’re trying to heal and get back to daily life, navigating the legal system might seem like a challenge too complex to take on. That’s why we’re here. At Pendergrass Law, we work hard to hold negligent people and businesses accountable.

If we take your case, we’ll be with you every step of the way. If you’ve been hurt on someone else’s property, get in touch with us or make an appointment at our Stone Mountain office at 1298 Rockbridge Road SW, Suite C for a free consultation.

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