Understanding bus accidents in Gwinnett County, GA

Because of the sheer size of a bus, accidents involving buses are more likely to result in catastrophic injuries. These accidents can affect the passengers on the bus, other drivers on the road, bicyclists, and pedestrians. Pendergrass Law can help.

Common causes of bus accidents in Georgia

Bus accidents can occur for many reasons. Here are some of the most common causes. 

Distracted driving

Driving while distracted is one of the most frequent causes of vehicular accidents, and it’s no different with buses. A driver who takes their eyes off the road for a moment or who is just not paying attention can cause serious accidents. This is a common problem with school buses; drivers can be distracted by what children are doing behind them instead of paying strict attention to the road. 

Intoxicated driving

Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol is another cause of bus accidents. In Gwinnett County, GA, bus drivers operate with a blood alcohol concentration limit of 0.04%. This means if they had two or three beers with dinner, they’re likely over the limit. Alcohol and drugs affect the central nervous system in various ways, making it more difficult to react to hazards on the road. Intoxicated driving also puts drivers at risk of falling asleep behind the wheel. 

Maintenance issues

Accidents are not always the bus driver’s fault. Many times, those who were in charge of maintaining the vehicle didn’t do so correctly, leading to malfunctions. In those instances, the negligent parties are those who should have performed a full check. 

Defective bus parts

The problem can go even further back. Sometimes, bus parts can be defective from the manufacturing process. If that’s the case, getting compensation could mean filing a claim against the designers or manufacturers of the malfunctioning bus part. 

Road conditions

Often, poor visibility because of missing lights or uneven pavement can lead to bus accidents. In those situations, filing a claim can be even more complicated because you’re dealing with the city.

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Liability in Georgia bus accidents

Georgia is an at-fault state. This means that whoever caused the accident is responsible for paying damages. To be able to prove that the other party was at fault, you have to prove a few crucial elements. The first thing you have to show is that the person owed you a duty of care and that they breached it. A bus driver has a duty to everyone on the road to drive safely and follow traffic laws. Not doing so puts them in breach.

Next, you have to show that you suffered injuries because of the other party’s actions and that you can be compensated for your losses. For example, if you only suffered a mild bruise that didn’t require medical care, you can’t get compensation. Gathering all the evidence necessary to prove liability can be a complex process. It’s essential that you rely on the help of a caring bus accident attorney who has experience proving liability and obtaining fair compensation for clients like you.

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How a bus accident lawyer in Gwinnett County, GA, can help

Filing a personal injury claim after a bus accident is never easy. Because we know how tough the process can be, we’re here to help. When you turn to a bus accident attorney in Gwinnett County, you get experienced people to assess your claim. At Pendergrass Law, we begin by gathering the necessary evidence to prove who was at fault, reaching out to witnesses and getting medical records. We then start the negotiation process with the insurance parties. If we feel that you’re not being treated fairly and that the other party isn’t negotiating in good faith, we can file a lawsuit and take your case to court. 

Available compensation after a bus accident in Georgia

In Georgia, you have the chance to claim both economic and non-economic damages after a bus accident. Economic damages are those that are quantifiable and include medical expenses to cover the bills you’ve accrued because of your injuries. Property damage and lost wages also fit into economic damages. If you missed work because of the injuries you sustained, you should be able to get compensation. This also includes future lost wages if you’re unable to work. Non-economic damages are those that aren’t easily quantifiable, like pain and suffering and loss of enjoyment of life. If you lost a loved one in the accident, you can also claim loss of consortium. By turning to a lawyer, you’ll have a better idea of what’s available.

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Get help from a bus accident lawyer in Gwinnett County, GA

Suffering injuries and property loss during a bus accident can leave you juggling physical and emotional trauma as well as bills that keep mounting. That’s where Pendergrass Law can help. We know how hard it is to go through an accident and its aftermath. We’re proud to serve both the English- and Spanish-speaking communities in the city. Don’t wait. Contact Pendergrass Law today to get the help you need. 

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