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Pedestrian accidents in Atlanta, GA

Georgia has one of the highest pedestrian fatality rates in the country. It is a car-centric city, so many drivers don’t pay enough attention to the most vulnerable people around them. Victims require the help of a pedestrian accident lawyer in Atlanta. At Pendergrass Law, we offer help to pedestrians who’ve suffered injuries.

Why You Need a Pedestrian Accident Attorney in Atlanta, GA

Understanding the Need for Legal Assistance

If you’ve been in an accident while walking, and it resulted in injuries and property damage, getting help from a pedestrian accident lawyer in Atlanta, GA, could make it easier for you to get fair compensation.

Evaluating Your Claim

When you turn to The Pendergrass Law Firm, the first thing we do is assess the accident to see if you have a claim. Unfortunately, not every case meets the minimum standards for a personal injury claim.

Determining Negligence

To be eligible for this type of claim, someone has to have acted in a negligent manner. Was the driver distracted, speeding, or doing anything else that proves they breached their responsibility toward others on the road? If it’s possible to prove that, then the next step is to show that their negligent actions led to your injuries and that it’s possible to compensate you for the damages you’ve suffered. Our lawyers will carefully walk you through the entire process of establishing negligence. In a state like Georgia, which follows modified comparative negligence rules, it’s essential that you clearly prove who was at fault.

Navigating Comparative Negligence in Georgia

Modified comparative negligence means that parties involved in an accident can still get compensation if they were partly at fault, but only if that fault is determined to be less than 50%. If you’re deemed to be 51% at fault for the accident because you were texting while walking down the street, for example, you can’t get compensation. A lawyer will do everything possible to keep that percentage down so that you can get the help you deserve.

Dealing with Insurance Companies

Negotiating with insurance companies is never easy. They will try anything to keep from paying you, including using threats to get you to accept a low settlement. A lawyer will do the negotiating for you.

Litigation Support

If complications arise in the process, we’re a firm with significant experience in litigation. We can file a lawsuit and defend your rights in court.

Why are pedestrian accidents so common in Atlanta, GA?

In any city as large and populated as Atlanta, accidents are bound to happen. In recent years, however, there’s been a surge in serious pedestrian accidents and fatalities. What’s caused this spike? In great part, the use of smartphones has made streets more dangerous throughout the country because of the risk of encountering distracted drivers. Distracted driving leads to the highest number of traffic accidents in the United States. Even though Georgia has banned holding a phone while driving, many people break the law. If a driver isn’t watching the road because they’re busy texting or scrolling through social media, they’ll miss pedestrians attempting to cross the street. Speeding is another common cause of pedestrian accidents. Speeding doesn’t just refer to drivers going over the posted speed limit — it also includes driving too fast for the road conditions.

A car traveling at high speeds will have much more difficulty stopping in time to avoid a collision with another vehicle or a pedestrian. The impact of these kinds of accidents often also results in serious injuries for the pedestrian. Reckless driving puts the lives of everyone on or near the road, including pedestrians, at risk. Reckless driving involves failing to exercise ordinary care when operating a motor vehicle. It can include running red lights or stop signs, racing, and much more. In some instances, an accident between a pedestrian and a vehicle isn’t the driver’s fault. If the road conditions are sub-par, without appropriate lighting or unclear signs, those in charge of maintaining the roads could be at fault. 

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Getting help after a pedestrian accident

The aftermath of an accident is often overwhelming. You could be dealing with injuries that require hospital visits, physical therapy, and many other expenses. Accidents can lead you to lose wages and to experience emotional trauma. If someone else’s negligence led to your accident, you shouldn’t have to deal with all of this without help. At Pendergrass Law, we’re here to listen to what you’ve been through and find the best way to help you. We know each case is unique, so we delve into the details of each claim to ensure we can offer the attention your claim deserves. Do right and win big. Give us a call today to schedule your consultation with one of our Atlanta pedestrian accident lawyers.

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